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The Dialogue Doctor Podcast

Feb 22, 2021

In this episode, Jeff sits down with new author, James Jones to look at a scene from James' first book. They discuss analyzing the emotional flow of a scene, the cadence of dialogue, sticking with a character's voice even when we are moving the plot forward, the difference between dialogue and plot, and more.

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Feb 15, 2021

In a solo episode, Jeff talks about modulating your characters' voices in order to increase your readers' emotional engagement in your work. Jeff explains what it means to modulate a voice, gives three reasons why you should do it, and talks about three things to keep in mind as you try it.

For more, head over to...

Feb 8, 2021

This week, Jeff sits down with new author, Doug Sjoquist. Looking through a piece together, Jeff and Doug talk about giving characters strong opening statements, contrasting character voices, using dialogue to move action scenes, and creating an emotional build. Jeff also rants about using inner thoughts instead...

Feb 1, 2021

This week, Jeff sits down with the fantastic Sacha Black. Sacha is the host of the Rebel Author Podcast and the co-host of the Next Level Authors podcast. Jeff and Sacha discuss the book she is working on, her character voices, how style plays into editing, writing characters in different power dynamics,...