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The Dialogue Doctor Podcast

Nov 27, 2023

In this episode, Jeff interviews the amazing Sacha Black. They talk about her career, her podcasting, the development of the Rebel Author brand, and the transformation of her fiction into Ruby Roe. It's a fantastic look inside the business of a wildly successful author/entrepreneur.

To find more of Sacha's work with...

Nov 20, 2023

Time with Tom is back! Jeff and editor/bookstore owner/all-around-brilliant-writer Tom Holbrook sit down to talk about great stories they've consumed, problems they are thinking through, trends they've seen in editing, and more.

To find Tom's editing services, go to

Nov 13, 2023

In this episode, Jeff sits down with author Carol Painter to examine a piece she is working on. As they work through Carol's writing, they talk about jumping time in conversation, writing dialogue that is deeply intimate, finding places for reflection, leaning into emotional moment and starting conversations...

Nov 6, 2023

In this solo episode, Jeff talks about four different things you can do to ensure your scenes are strong.

  • He takes a deep dive into scene conflict,
  • He talks about understanding your scene's vehicle, 
  • He gives three tips for manipulating the intensity of a scene,
  • And he talks about balancing the tempo of a scene. 
